2. I will actively seek the Spirit's guidance in helping me discern what is meant to be within my control and what is not.
3. I will ask for and seek to receive spiritual guidance/discernment/personal revelation on a daily basis, recognizing my complete dependence on my Heavenly Father.
4. I will courageously bring up and discuss unpleasant topics with my husband without avoiding them due to my fear of his reaction or guilt over causing him pain.
5. I will have the ability to recognize triggers, unhealthy thoughts or emotions, and deal with them in a healthy manner, without either using them as an excuse to become unmanageable or shoving them down and ignoring them.
6. I will no longer feel the need to manipulate or control my husband.
7. I will recognize what my rights are and enforce boundaries in situations where my rights are being denied.
8. I will reach out with honesty and courage to those that I feel prompted to tell my story to.
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