I have the right to know where my husband is and when I can
expect him to be home.
I have the right to ask my husband to maintain safe
boundaries with other women (to be determined below).
I have the right to know where our money is going.
I have the right to tell other people about our problems as
directed by the Spirit, so long as I am not motivated by the spirit of gossip
or backbiting.
I have the right to seek guidance and help from Group, from
priesthood leaders, and from anyone else I feel prompted to reach out to.
I have the right to rigorous honesty in our relationship on
BOTH sides. If I find myself minimizing
or hiding the truth, I need to overcome my fear and address it. If I find out that my husband has been
minimizing or hiding the truth, I need to enforce a boundary (to be decided)
until I feel that I can trust him again.
I have the right to feel that my children and I are the
primary priority in my husband’s life.
I have the right to make decisions on what my instincts tell
me without feeling belittled or mistrusted.
Boundaries With
Other-Gender Relationships
No being alone with a persons of the opposite gender for any
extended amount of time—if you need to run an errand together, take someone
else along. No more midnight
walks/talks, no more going out on the porch alone; there always need to be
other adults present. This includes
hanging out at school or work—other than necessary meetings, you should not be alone with each other.
No deep/personal conversations without the other spouse
If for any reason the other spouse feels uncomfortable with
any behavior that is going on, they have a right to speak up and end it
Texts and emails should be able to be randomly checked by
the other spouse at any time. If the
other spouse feels uncomfortable by anything they find, they have the right to
ask that texting/e-mailing ceases until trust has been rebuilt.
Our spouse should be the most important person in our
life. If another person (of any gender)
begins to take priority, the spouse has the right to point it out and expect
No gift-giving unless it is from us as a couple (this
includes buying treats and food).
Female friends should primarily communicate through me,
and male friends should communicate through my husband. If at any time one of us feels that we are
being used just to get to our spouse, we have a right to speak up and ask for
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