Monday, June 30, 2014

The Details of our Lives

President Thomas S. Monson once said, "Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives."
I have never been more aware of that fact than at this time.
He is with me when I wake.
He is with me as I teach my children, as I play with them, as I watch them.
He was with me this weekend when I fielded trigger after trigger with peace and serenity as I could literally feel the prayers of my sponsor and my mom lifting me through three solid days with my husband's family (usually trigger central for me).
He is with me as I deal with the grief of losing someone while trying to maintain boundaries with my husband.
He is with my family members and friends--the ones I worry about and lose sleep over and shed tears for while praying on my knees.
He is in the details.
And I have been noticing.
My heart is full.


  1. I know how you feel. I've had similar feels for different reasons....

    You are doing what needs to be done to not stay in survival mode....and whatever more needs to be done is going to be revealed to you because you are seeking it with all your heart.

    Love ya and sorry if my comments bug you.

  2. Jennifer, I LOVE your comments. It helps me so much to know that someone is reading what I'm writing and to know that you've felt the same way, as well. Thank you for everything you've said here--it's all immensely helpful.
